Describe your bedroom

Hello students!

Today we are going to review prepositions, because later, you will describe me your own bedroom. Let's go!

Image from brgfx in

The first thing you have to do is take a look at this bedroom image. There are many things in it, right? Could you tell me where all those things are located?

You can click on the image to see it larger in another window tab while you are filling the gaps with the correct preposition.


Note: If you do not remember all the prepositions, bellow this exercice, you have a clue to help you.

Image from pikisuperstar in

Now it's your time! We are going to describe our own bedroom. You have to write a text, making a description of your bedroom using the vocabulary and the prepositions you've already known. You can take the previous exercise as a model. 

Don't forget to carry me a picture of your bedroom to see if your description is correct!


  1. Hello Lorena, thank you very much for sharing your blog and congratulations for an excelent job. I would like to tell you that, according to the criteria points learnt at Unit 5, your website is very interesting and useful.
    From my point of view, the interface is estimulating and attractive and of course, it has a clear teaching aim. Also the functionality is correct because I am able to watch the videos and listen the audios perfectly.
    In particular, I was struck by the resource of learning prepositions because, despite being a normally difficult and intense content for students, you have focused it on a very realistic context such as the bedroom and also in a very fun way.
    Well done!
    Nereida Balsalobre.


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