Singing at Christmas!

 Hello and Merry Christmas to everybody!

Image from Deagreez from istockphoto

We are going to make a very jolly activity, because I have to assest your oral skills. You are going to work in pairs and first of all, you are going to make a listen activity and then you have to practise your oral skills and... your singing!

I have prepare you a listening activity with a Michael Bublé Christmas song. I have choose this song because I think it's easy for begin. You have to listen to the song and fill the lyrics song gaps with the missing word. Yoy only have to click on the image below for beginning the exercice and remember it is not necessary making any account! You can practise it as many times as you need!

Selfmade resource

Later, you are going to sing. You have to prepare very well the letter and you have to record yourself singing the song (in pairs). You just have to sing 1 or 2 verses each. 

Later on, we will specify details of the recording, but you will have to wear a Christmas hat for the occasion! 

Before Christmas holidays, we will prepare a compilation video with all of you singing and you can share it with your families. 


  1. Lorena! It's amazing! How did you manage to make that video with gaps to fill? Ihave don it and I think that this is a great idea. Please, tell me how you did it.


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